National soybean marketing campaign 2021-2022 in Benin

After the town Ouaké in Donga and the Glazoué in the Hills, it is the turn of the Common Djidja in the Zou department to host the Thursday 25 November 2021 , the official launch of the 3 rd edition Country National Soybean Marketing 2021-2022 . A ceremony co-chaired by Alimatou Shadiya ASSOUMAN and Gaston Cossi DOSSOUHOUI respectively Minister of Industry and Trade , and Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries .
From the actors of the soybean sector to the political and administrative authorities, passing by the wise men, notables and especially the populations of the locality, no one wanted to be told about the event which took on the appearance of a real celebration at the Youth Center of the said commune.
After his words of welcome, Mayor René GLEGBETO presented the agricultural assets of the municipality of Djidja which remains the real granary in the Zou department. For his part, the Prefect Firmin KOUTON expressed his satisfaction for the choice of Djidja , and reassured everyone that the arrangements are being made so that the instructions of the Government are respected to the letter during this new campaign which offers great prospects.
Whether it is Steev ADJAMAN , President of the National Union of Soybean Producers or Ibrahim BOUKARI , President of the National Federation of Producers and Buyers of Tropical Products , all praised the dexterity of the Government which has made Soybean a viable, reliable sector. and bearer of wealth. The latter even thanked President Patrice TALON for having worked to obtain Soy Certification . This now allows the easy export of said product. He castigated the clandestine buyers who sow discord in the sector, and invited producers not to neglect other products to the detriment of soybeans.. In particular cotton and food crops.
Faithful to his convictions, the Minister in charge of Agriculture expressed his heart and his professional expertise. For Gaston Cossi Dossouhoui , the State of Benin made enormous efforts to safeguard the interests of producers of Soybeans . And it is up to the players in the sector to respect a certain number of principles. In particular the cultivation routes, mechanization, group sales in stores built by the State, domestic processing to benefit from the nutritional virtues of soybeans, etc.
Work for representative professional families
It is therefore the Minister of Industry and Trade who officially launched the 3 rd edition of the National Soybean Marketing Campaign 2021-2022 . It was the opportunity for Mrs. Alimatou Shadiya ASSOUMAN to hand over each actor in the sector to their responsibilities. She noted the good health of the sector despite the difficulties linked to climatic hazards, the high cost and scarcity of certified seeds, the lack of marketing infrastructure, etc. Stigmatizing the limits linked to the level of organization of the sector, Minister ASSOUMAN invited all the actors and partners of the sector to work alongside the State to”The establishment of representative professional families and an inter-professional organization that can better organize the sector like that of cotton…” . Without forgetting the satisfaction of the national needs to feed the men, the cattle and the industries of oil mill.
By mutual agreement with the stakeholders, the Government has set the floor price at CFAF 190 per kilogram . Opened on Thursday 25 November 2021 , the Campaign Marketing takes end the 30 June 2022 , has she announced. However, she insisted on “compliance with the texts in force, the monitoring and regulation of cross-border flows, the control and certification of weighbridges and scales, compliance with standards in terms of post-harvest operations with a view to maintain the quality of the products … etc. ” .
After thanking the President Patrice TALON for his constant attention to the development of the agricultural sector in Benin, his colleague in charge of Agriculture, the Technical and Financial Partners for their support, the Minister of Industry and Trade invited all actors in the immunization sector and compliance with barrier gestures related to Covid-19 .
The ceremony, decorated by local entertainment sound sequences ended with a tour of the product display stands derived from soybean .

Source: Ministry of Industry and Commerce

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