President Paul Biya receives New Year wishesISIE to invite second-round candidates to record radio sessions on youth radio stations for better local outreach

By Eratus Ndueh

President Paul Biya received New Year wishes from close to 400 national dignitaries, top military officials, staff of the President of the Republic, and its attached services during a ceremony that took place at the Unity Palace.

The event was organized on Friday, January 5, 2024, at the banquet of the Unity Palace, the Head of State made a flashback on a global level of issues in the country, particularly with the war in Ukraine and the coronavirus health crisis.

‘I thank you for your kind words and for the wishes you were kind enough to express to me and to that of the Cameroonian people. Last year, on this same occasion, I deplored the consequences, on our economies, of the persistence of the harmful effects of Covid 19, as well as the occurrence of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.’ Said the president.

Paul Biya also told the national dignitaries that the criminal activities of terrorist groups continue to jeopardize the stability of many countries in the Horn of Africa, the Sa
hel, Lake Chad, and Cameroon are also victims.

He emphasized that these threats to international peace and security have negative consequences on the development of many countries and, therefore, on the well-being of their populations. While stressing that the path of dialogue and conciliation takes precedence over confrontation so that the voices of wisdom and reason can finally rise.

He called on Cameroonians to support his candidacy for the presidency of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

In a world that seems to be drifting, and delights in the paths leading to its perdition, Cameroon continues to believe in the values that founded it and in the dreams that inhabited those who founded it.

‘We continue to believe that our common organization is best able to lead the human race to overcome passions, selfishness, and antagonisms, to refocus on the essential: its survival. Because, at the very moment when we lose ourselves in vain quarrels, our most precious asset, the Earth, is thre
atened. Climate change is here to remind us of our fragility and the need to act together before it is too late.’ Added the president.

After this day event, the First Lady will organize a similar ceremony, the president of the Senate will follow suit, the president of the national assembly, and others.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The Independent High Electoral Authority (ISIE) will do its utmost to make the candidates in the second round of the municipal elections and their electoral programmes better known by inviting them to record radio sessions on youth radio stations before posting them on the website dedicated to their presentation or on the official websites of the candidates’ electoral campaigns, said ISIE President Farouk Bouasker.

Speaking in Nabeul on Saturday at a regional seminar for candidates in the second round of local elections in the region, civil society representatives and the media, Bouaskar said he was in favour of publishing the electoral register of each imada to enable candidates to find out about the aspirations and demands of their voters.

Bouaskar also suggested that the entire cycle of the second round of elections should be completed by the end of January or early February, with the official announcement of the final results of the second round and the establishment of the 279 local councils.

He adde
d that the electoral body would convene the local councils at the headquarters of the delegations within eight days, stressing that the chairmanship of the local councils would be held for a period of three months by the candidate who received the majority of votes in the two rounds.

The President of the ISIE added that the electoral commission would contact the presidents of the local councils and invite them to the first drawing of lots to represent the local council in the Regional Council.

The organisation of the first draw is very important because the winners of this draw will be involved in the elections of the District Councils and the National Council of Regions and Districts.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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