Purchase of a drone for Koulpélogo: Traders contribute one and a half million FCFA


Ouagadougou: The Union of Traders and Assimilated People of Tenkodogo (UCAT) donated, on Saturday, the sum of 1 million 500 thousand FCFA as a contribution to the purchase of a surveillance drone for the province of Koulpélogo.

This sum was collected during their reforestation and reforestation day, marked by the planting of 100 utility plants.

The day was chaired by the president of the special delegation of Tenkodogo, Bérenger Poda, representing the governor of the region, and sponsored by Ibrahim Saba, Director General of La Poste Burkina, as well as by El Hadj Ousseni Sorgho, CEO of Excel Burkina.

According to the president of UCAT, El Hadj Kabiro Sana, more than four to five varieties of plants were planted, all capable of withstanding the climatic conditions of the locality.

The president of the special delegation of Tenkodogo and the activity welcomed the initiative.

The local authorities made the space available for the operation, said Bérenger Poda, while expressing his gratitude to the Union fo
r their commitment to taking care of the plants.

He added that environmental issues are at the heart of the government’s concerns and that the President of Faso has made them a personal priority.

According to Bérenger Poda, it is the duty of citizens to support those primarily responsible to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment in Burkina Faso.

The sponsor, Ibrahim Saba, Director General of La Poste Burkina, stressed that it is a highly symbolic and patriotic act to respond to the call of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who asks every Burkinabè to plant trees to restore the plant cover.

Source: Burkina Information Agency