Run-off local elections in Dar Châabane-1: candidates pledge to improve healthcare services


Mohamed Hammi and Youssef Abdellatif, the two candidates in the run-off of the Dar Châabane-1 local elections, agree on the need to improve health services in the region.

Candidate Mohamed Hammi, a 49-year-old manager in a private company who won 263 votes in the first round (35.16%), told TAP that his manifesto was inspired by the needs of the region and the aspirations of its inhabitants.

He has pledged to improve the situation at the Dar Châabane primary health centre by building an emergency room and obstetrics and gynaecology unit.

Hammi outlined his multi-faceted vision for the town, stressing his determination to modernise the road infrastructure, extend public lighting, particularly at the entrances to the town, renovate the weekly market, create recreational spaces and reopen the youth centre.

On the other hand, candidate Youssef Abdellatif, a 47-year-old coffee shop owner, who won 156 votes (20.86%) in the first round, promised to equip the city’s primary health centre with an emergency room, a
ttract specialised medical staff and address the shortage of medicines.

He also stressed the urgency of improving the environment and tackling the problem of domestic waste in the region.

Abdellatif told TAP of his commitment to prioritising vulnerable social groups and shared his intention to support the agricultural sector in the region.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse