Sports Stakeholders In Embu Start Bid To Popularize Netball


Embu County held the first ever netball tournament, as a way of popularising the game that has for long commanded little interest and reputation, despite being recognized as a legitimate and competitive sport globally.

The inaugural tournament held at the University of Embu grounds brought together young and old participants from different learning institutions, the County Government and local clubs from around the county.

The organisers said they want to create love for the sport right from the grassroots level and nurture young talents to become better players, that can in turn be a source of income for them.

‘Netball has been deemed as an inferior game and we are out to change the narrative and grow it just like other games such as football and volleyball,’ said sports stakeholder Elijah Kiarie.

Kiarie, who is the Eastern Region Secondary Schools Sports Association Secretary General, said they had already formed eight clubs and were looking forward to partnering with elected leaders, to assist them in
establishing more clubs and teams.

He said introducing young girls to such an extracurricular activity, would also go a long way in preventing them from dropping out of schools and staying away from vices such as teenage pregnancies and drugs.

Kiarie said netball is a lifelong sport that could also be played by the aged, not only for competition but for social and recreational pursuit.

76-year-old player, Gladys Mugo, said the game had helped them to stay healthy through the exercises they carried out, while preparing for the training sessions.

‘Personally, I was going for physiotherapy at Embu Level Five Hospital once a week and on starting these exercises, I stopped,’ she said.

She also said they used the platform to create a safe place where they were openly able to talk to and counsel young women and girls on different matters, including family values.

The participants hailed the initiative and called for support from the County Government and other stakeholders, to assist them hold more such tourna
ments, to give them exposure and help sharpen their skills.

Source: Kenya News Agency