State To Pursue Public Private Partnership To Complete Koru-Soin Dam, Owalo


The Government is looking out to partner with a private investor, to complete the stalled Koru-Soin Dam.

Through Public Private Partnership (PPP), the government targets to raise Sh19.8 billion, required to complete the project located on the border of Kisumu and Kericho counties.

Information, Communications and the Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary (CS), Eliud Owalo, said the original plan to fully fund the project from public coffers was not possible.

‘The original plan to fully fund the project from the exchequer is untenable, therefore the government will change this and use the public private partnership model to complete the Dam,’ he said.

Owalo said the project, which is touted as the long-lasting solution to the perennial flooding in Nyando plains, shall be fast tracked to ensure that the residents reap the benefits.

Besides controlling floods, the Dam will also be used for irrigation in Ahero, electricity generation and supply of potable water in Kisumu and Kericho counties.

The Kenya Kwanza Ad
ministration, he said, was determined to complete the Dam and other stalled projects in the Nyanza region, urging leaders to rally behind President Dr. William Ruto, to realize meaningful development in the area.

‘It is not just the Dam. The government is going to complete all the stalled roads in this region. Already we have launched the Mfangano ring road in Homa Bay County and Bondo-Luanda Road in Siaya County. After we are done with roads, we shall move to water and other sectors,’ he said.

Blue economy, he added, was also at the center of the government’s agenda for the region, with construction of fish landing sites set to be rolled out in Homa Bay, Siaya, Kisumu and Migori counties.

Speaking at ACK St. Annes Orije Church in Kadibo Sub- County of Kisumu, Owalo said the President has demonstrated his willingness to work with leaders from the Nyanza region, regardless of their party affiliations or how they voted in the 2022 General Election, calling on all elected and appointed leaders, to take advant
age of the gesture.

‘For the first time since independence, we have not had a president like Dr. William Ruto, who has come to this region with open hands,’ he said.

This, he said, was demonstrated by the number of key appointments from the region to top positions in government, calling for an end to divisive politics, which he observed had made the region lag behind in development for decades.

The CS was accompanied by former Nairobi Governor, Dr. Evans Kidero, Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda, among other leaders.

Source: Kenya News Agency