Tunisian civil society to join World’s Conscience Convoy aimed at breaking Gaza siege


Political parties, associations and organisations announced that they are joining the efforts of the human convoy «World’s Conscience Convoy,» aimed at breaking the Gaza siege and stop the Genocide.

The convey is due to set off between November 17 and 24.

The convoy is called for by the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) to break the siege on Gaza, according to a joint statement published on Friday.

To this end, these political and civil components announced the creation of a Tunisian Coordination in charge of encouraging participation in this event.

The convoy aims to bring together participants from the four corners of the world in front of the Rafah border crossing with a view to lifting the siege imposed on Gaza, which has been in force since October 7, 2023.

The Tunisian Coordination called on activists, particularly the medical and paramedical professions, to join in this effort.

It also invited the Tunisian and Egyptian authorities to facilitate the travel of Tunisian participants.

Several or
ganisations and political parties are taking part in this initiative, including the Tunisian General Labour Union, the Tunisian National Bar Association, the Tunisian Human Rights League, the National Union of Tunisian Journalists, the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women, the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, the Association of Young Lawyers, the Echab movement, the Workers’ Party, the Democratic Movement, the Popular Movement and the Socialist Party.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse