Ward Reps seeks transparency on operationalization of an agricultural project


Murang’a ward representatives have requested the County Executive Committee Member for agriculture to provide data on local farmers participating in a national government-funded agricultural project.

The MCAs have requested all related data of farmers involved in the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP).

During their afternoon session, the ward reps raised concerns on how seven agripreneurs from each of the 35 wards were selected to participate in the project.

They claimed that the project meant to support and boost the agricultural value chain was marred by irregularities pointing out that some individuals registered as beneficiaries were not genuine farmers, undermining the project’s goal of empowering the local agricultural community.

Contributing in a motion tabled by chair of the assembly’s committee for agriculture, Pauline Njeri, Gatanga MCA John Kabaiya said majority of MCAs are not aware how seven agripreneurs in each ward were chosen to lead agricultural modernization e

‘The selection criteria of those engaged and benefiting from the project remains unclear yet this is fundamental information that should be accessible to all. The CEC needs to present before this house the data of those participating in the project.’ He remarked.

Kibaiya also castigated the county government’s failure to properly publicize the project, which he claimed, left many farmers unaware of the opportunity to participate and gain more skills on how to boost their agricultural activities.

‘Most members of our community did not get an opportunity to register because the project was not properly publicized by those concerned.’ Claimed the MCA, urging the county executive to work on its advertisement mechanisms.

On the recent transition of milk and mango farmers from M-Pesa to E-voucher through the Inua Mkulima card, Kibaiya alleged that some members who were in that programme did not own cows but received funds meant to empower small-scale dairy farmers fraudulently.

He urged the Assembly’s
Agriculture Committee to provide an audit of the past and present beneficiaries of Inua Mukulima programme which is championed by Governor Irungu Kang’ata’s administration.

‘I urge the committee of Agriculture to request for the raw data of initial members of Inua Mkulima programme who were receiving support through M-pesa vis-a-vis those now registered with the E-voucher.’ He added.

Kahumbu MCA Isaac Chefman Njoroge lauded the project saying it’s meant to help farmers do value addition of their farm produce however casted doubt on how the beneficiaries were selected.

He faulted the county’s department of agriculture for failing to do proper publicity and bring on board more farmers to benefit from the project.

In response, Njeri stated members of her committee will look into issues raised by the MCAs and ensure details needed are presented before the House.

She noted Murang’a is among 33 counties selected to benefit from NAVCDP saying the initiative will deepen investments in existing interventions arou
nd productivity enhancement, community led farmer extension, water management and data driven value chain services.

Source: Kenya News Agency