Zimbabwe: Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) – June 2021


1 ICA Overview

The Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) is the first of three toolsthat inform a three-pronged approach (3PA) to integrated programming. The 3PA comprises a national level, data-driven context analysis (the ICA) which guides in positioning broad programme strategies around the country, and flags where discussions with sub-national and community representatives could be undertaken to create accurate seasonal livelihood calendars (Seasonal Livelihood Programme (SLPs)) that capture common practices, shocks and stressors to inform specific activities and interventions at sub-nation/ District level. SLPs can then suggest participatory discussions with specific communities and local authorities to help refine local development plans.

This ICA classifies and colour-codes the Districts of ZIMBABWE based on whether they have historically experienced high, medium or low levels of food insecurity and/or natural hazards. This provides evidence to support discussions around where, and for how long, preparedness, disaster risk reduction, social protection and market access efforts could be most appropriate in meeting the needs of the most vulnerable and food insecure populations.

This ICA was completed in JUNE 2021 under the leadership of the World Food Programme, in collaboration with government stakeholders and the technical support and guidance of the National University of Science and Technology.

At the outset of the exercise, the main stakeholders discussed and agreed on expectations and priorities of the ICA. In brief, these are related to: identification of broad national programmatic strategies; the possibility of its use as an advocacy tool to influence policy; and indication of hot spots and areas needing further interrogation. The ICA presented an opportunity to stakeholders to look at issues differently. The processes were very valuable as they challenged data management and stakeholders noted gaps and value of certain data. The ICA mapped high risk areas based on the recurrence of natural shocks and food insecurity levels.

The maps and tables in this Overview section summarise the ICA results and recommendations for an initial reading. The sections that follow elaborate on detailed thematic findings, general policy recommendations, general programme recommendations for more detailed discussions and decision-making, and technical annexes and data tables.




Source: World Food Programme

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