In response to the vulnerability issues of the territory, the government of Benin, under the enlightened and very active leadership of President Patrice TALON, initiated the Program for the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change (PAVICC) funded by the French Development Agency for a total amount of 38 billion CFA francs over the period 2018-2023, ultimately reaching more than 120,000 direct beneficiaries and implemented in four components. Worth a total of 30.11 billion CFA francs, component 2 of the Program entitled “Resilient urban investments” was the subject, on Wednesday November 17, 2021, of the signing of two contracts, the official ceremony of which was chaired. by the Minister of Living Environment and Sustainable Development Mr. José TONATO, assisted by his colleague from Decentralization and Local Governance Raphaël AKOTEGNON. These two contracts concern the construction of storm water drainage pipes, crossing structures, paving of streets and landscaping in the four beneficiary municipalities, for a period of 18 months for the execution of the works. “The PAVICC is like a laboratory project, a pilot project of how we must organize ourselves to face the effects of climate change at the grassroots level, at the local level …” Minister José TONATO suggested, who thanked AFD for its constant support before inviting the contracted companies to strictly respect the specifications and the quality of the work. Ultimately, the structures will help significantly reduce the risk of flooding, improve the living environment of the populations and ensure urban mobility in all seasons, particularly in cities at risk of flooding; reduce the risks associated with natural disasters and build resilience to climate change. The ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Autonomous Amortization Fund, Mr. Arsène DANSOU, the Director of AFD and the Mayors of the four beneficiary municipalities, namely Bohicon, Cotonou Comè and Sèmè-Podji. Source: Government of the Republic of Benin

In response to the vulnerability issues of the territory, the government of Benin, under the enlightened and very active leadership of President Patrice TALON, initiated the Program for the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change (PAVICC) funded by the French Development Agency for a total amount of 38 billion CFA francs over the period 2018-2023, ultimately reaching more than 120,000 direct beneficiaries and implemented in four components.

Worth a total of 30.11 billion CFA francs, component 2 of the Program entitled “Resilient urban investments” was the subject, on Wednesday November 17, 2021, of the signing of two contracts, the official ceremony of which was chaired. by the Minister of Living Environment and Sustainable Development Mr. José TONATO, assisted by his colleague from Decentralization and Local Governance Raphaël AKOTEGNON. These two contracts concern the construction of storm water drainage pipes, crossing structures, paving of streets and landscaping in the four beneficiary municipalities, for a period of 18 months for the execution of the works.

“The PAVICC is like a laboratory project, a pilot project of how we must organize ourselves to face the effects of climate change at the grassroots level, at the local level …” Minister José TONATO suggested, who thanked AFD for its constant support before inviting the contracted companies to strictly respect the specifications and the quality of the work.

Ultimately, the structures will help significantly reduce the risk of flooding, improve the living environment of the populations and ensure urban mobility in all seasons, particularly in cities at risk of flooding; reduce the risks associated with natural disasters and build resilience to climate change.

The ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Autonomous Amortization Fund, Mr. Arsène DANSOU, the Director of AFD and the Mayors of the four beneficiary municipalities, namely Bohicon, Cotonou Comè and Sèmè-Podji.

Source: Government of the Republic of Benin

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