Governor Calls For Unity Among Leaders

  • General
  • January 2, 2024

Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has urged leaders to unite for the common good of the residents of the county.

Speaking during a celebration for retired teacher Madam Elizabeth Nadio, who served for at least 41 years as a teacher, the county boss emphasised the importance of unity among leaders for driving development in the region.

He reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring peace and security in Turkana and pledged to work towards fostering peace with other communities to achieve their goals for the people. During his tenure, he pledged to support government operations against banditry to safeguard residents and their property.

He condemned incitement from leaders on border issues, particularly in Turkana East, Turkana South, and Aro sub-counties. While highlighting the county government’s commitment to achieving food security, Governor Lomorukai said, ‘I will collaborate with leaders supporting the agenda to enhance the lives of Turkana residents.’

Meanwhile, Senator James Lomenen urged elected leade
rs to stay focused on delivering their duties without being swayed by external distractions, and on the other hand, Woman Representative Cecilia Ngitit emphasised the importance of peace, stating that insecurity threatened development. She urged neighbouring communities to embrace peace for collective progress.

Turkana East MP Nicholas Ng’ikor urged residents to avoid conflicts with other communities, emphasising the need for peaceful coexistence as part of the larger Kenyan community. Other leaders who spoke, included MCAs Samuel Aliwo (Lobokat), Leader of Minority Samuel Lomodo (Lokichar), Etubon Samal (Katilu), and Aemun Ekaale Michael (Kaputir), also shared their perspectives during the event.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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